Dividend Income Update September 2017


September was a solid month for my dividend holdings. The end of Q3 proved to be much more interesting than the previous couple of updates.

September Dividends Received (updated): 

ENB: $1.83
EMR: $4.32
JNJ: $2.52
LMT: $3.64
CNR: $2.06
CGX: $0.56
XOM: $4.67
ZCS: $0.17
ZFM: $0.11
XIC: $2.73

Total: $22.61

When compared to September 2016, my dividend income grew by +50.4%, from $15.03 to $22.61. I’m very pleased with that sort of growth, considering I barely added new holdings in 2016. I’m very close to beating my 2016 total already and we have 3 months to go in 2017. Update: my XIC dividend was not reflected in my original post, with this included Sep 2017 broke my previous record of Dec 2016 in terms of dividend income!

Most of the holdings in my Niche Fund pay quarterly dividends so some months will have more income reflected than others. From now on, I’ll include dividends received from my ETF holdings in addition to my dividend stock holdings. This should provide a more interesting roundup each month, especially as the ETF holdings pay more consistently than some of my stocks.

My Dividend Income page has a calendar showing when I expect to receive dividends from each of my stock holdings.

The featured image for this post is yet another shot of the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. I’m sure it is a lot of fun to cruise up the canal in a boat on a day like that!

Thank you for checking out my blog. If you have a DGI blog, I would be interested to hear from you so I can update my blogroll. Keep sharing your dividend growth posts. It is great to see the analysis and shout outs to fellow bloggers out there.



7 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update September 2017

  1. Niche –

    Definitely keep all of the dividend income together! Need to see the whole picture and all checks coming your way. Excited to see what a little capital investment does to your growth going forward. Big market cap names you have on your dividend listing, never a bad thing! Legacies that have lived on for so long!



  2. Dividend Niche,

    Congrats on the great month! Looking forward to seeing your ETF income included so we can see the full income story. Cannot wait to start seeing some of these growth rates being posted 🙂



    1. Thanks Bert! I hope including the ETF dividends helps round out some of my more quiet months. They are automatically re-invested, but my stock dividends pool together towards new purchases for now. I have a feeling December will be a new record for growth! Cheers


  3. You certainly can’t complain about that type of growth. 50% is nothing to sneeze at! There’s certainly no reason to exclude ETF dividends from any dividend posts. Most of my dividends come from mutual funds and ETFs which makes months like September or December extra fun but the months in between less impressive!


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