Dividend Income Update July

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! It has been a whirlwind past couple of weeks with a big international move, a big purchase, and a new job. Most people would shudder at the thought of just one of these big changes in a month but somehow it has worked out very smoothly. More on these changes in another post, for now let’s look at what Mr. market did in July and how the dividends kept rolling in for the Niche Fund.

July witnessed further gains by all of the major indices I follow. From July 1-31 2016 here is what happened: S&P +3.56%, NASDAQ +6.59%, TSX +3.68%. I did not wish to add to my fund at this time so no new purchases this month. I’ve hesitated for the past few months for a couple of reasons: 1) Mr. Market seems to be overvalued and 2) my big purchase.

Only three of my holdings paid dividends in July so no new records set. The grand total worked out to $13.40 for July bringing the 2016 amount to $71.20. This month represents the 1st anniversary of the Niche Fund. I was unfortunately not able to invest as often as I had originally hoped. Nevertheless, the snowball continues to grow as the dividends will be used to fund future purchases.

July Dividends Received
KO $2.69
BNS $5.76
TD $4.95

Total: $13.40

It is very encouraging to see the money I have invested in equities generating some passive income. The holdings in my Niche Fund pay quarterly dividends so some months will have more income reflected than others. My Dividend Income page has a calendar showing when I expect to receive dividends from each of my holdings.

Did you have a solid month for dividend payments? Have you shifted any of your objectives given the high prices of quality stocks? Please let me know your thoughts on where you’re investing with such high p/e ratios!


9 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update July

  1. Hi,

    “1) Mr. Market seems to be overvalued” I fully agree and I am wondering why you keep KO or JNJ… sure I see these are not big positions but still… rather expensive ones…


  2. Congrats on the 1 year anniversary Niche! Man, isn’t it nuts how fast time flies by? I sat on the sidelines all of July as the market continued to rise. Luckily, it seems like August is starting off with some down days and hopefully the market continues to cool off. Some stocks are getting close to the buy zone, so hopefully we can pour our cash in when the time is right.

    Keep up the great work!



    1. Thanks Bert! Time certainly does fly. I can’t believe I’ve reached the 1 year milestone already. I’m going to keep an eye on a few options for my next purchase. Can’t wait to see what this month brings. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers, Niche


  3. That’s the beauty of being a dividend investor. Whirlwind weeks or uneventful weeks, those dividends continue to roll in. Love those three names that have paid you in July. Keep building that passive income stream bit by bit. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hi DivHut, that’s right, gotta love passive income coming in no matter what is happening in the market. I’ve been on the sidelines for while and look forward to my next purchase. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers, Niche


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