Dividend Income Update June

I have been meaning to get to my June update for awhile now. I’ve been a bit busy lately now that it is nice out. As it is already July, I will take the occasion to say happy Canada day to my Canadian readers and happy 4th of July to my friends in the U.S.!

This time of year is a great time to look back on the first six months to see how things went with investments in 2016. June was relatively smooth for major indices until the Brexit referendum on June 23. The uncertainty caused by the referendum results caused significant dips in major indices around the world including the main set that I track closely. By the end of June, 2 of the 3 indices bounced back following the Brexit referendum. (June 2-July 1, 2016): (S&P +0.17%, NASDAQ -1.81%, TSX +1.55%). I did not wish to add to my fund at this time so no new purchases this month.

June was a record month for dividend income in the Niche Fund! This month’s total was $14.92. In June, I received dividends from five of my holdings bringing my 2016 total to $57.80. My monthly dividend income figures will continue to fluctuate until I have more holdings as some months are more stacked than others.

June Dividends Received

ENB $1.59
JNJ $2.40
EMR $4.28
XOM $4.77
CNR $1.88

Total: $14.92

It is very encouraging to see the money I have invested in equities generating some passive income. The holdings in my Niche Fund pay quarterly dividends so some months will have more income reflected than others. My Dividend Income page has a calendar showing when I expect to receive dividends from each of my holdings.

If you’re new to my site, my plan is to buy and hold high-quality dividend paying stocks in order to enjoy the flexibility offered by the passive income stream generated by regular dividend payments to shareholders. In the long run, these dividends will start to grow on their own through dividend hikes. I look forward to posting the next dividend income update at the end of July. I also hope to have time to share some thoughts on the 1st anniversary of the Niche Fund.

My DGI journey began in July 2015 and is off to a modest start. I aim to save a portion of my income and devote it towards regular dividend stock purchases. This year will be a bit different – I have a number of large purchases coming up in 2016 so the amounts for my purchases will be lower than what I plan on investing in future years.

Do you have any of the same holdings? Have you been satisfied with the first six months of 2016 in terms of dividend income? Did you find any good entry points for additional stock purchases following the Brexit vote?

2 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update June

  1. Congrats on continuing to see those dividends roll in. It’s always nice to own an asset that churns out cash for you day in and day out. Nice to see some great blue chips paying you for the month. I made a couple buys towards the end of June in ABBV and ABT. These days, it looks like the market is getting expensive once again. Thanks for sharing.


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