Dividend Income Update September 2015


Every Snowball Starts Somewhere

I just started my dividend growth snowball! Each month I will post my latest stock purchases for my Niche Fund – my dividend stock portfolio. My long-term plan is to buy and hold high-quality dividend paying stocks in order to enjoy the flexibility offered by the passive income stream generated by regular dividend payments.

September Dividends Received
ENB – $1.40

Total for September 2015: $1.40

This very small amount will contribute towards my modest goal of receiving $20 of passive dividend income by Dec 31, 2015. The holdings in my Niche Fund pay quarterly dividends so some months will have more income reflected than others. I look forward to posting another update at the end of October to update my portfolio. I hope to make more substantial progress with each passing month as I will purchase additional shares on a monthly basis. If this is your first time visiting my blog I encourage you to check out the sections under the menu section at the top right of the main page to learn more about my goals and my fund.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my journey.

7 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update September 2015

  1. Awesome result. This is the most important first step taken. Happy to have found your blog and seeing someone start from the very beginning. Look forward to following you on your dividend growth journey. I think you will be amazed at your results when you start reporting your year over year growth. Welcome to the financial blogging community.


    1. Thank you very much for visiting my site. It is always a pleasure to connect with another member of the financial blogging community. I see that you have built up a very impressive portfolio of high-quality dividend stocks. I look forward to seeing your upcoming posts. Cheers.


  2. We all have to start somewhere and you’re definitely building your niche fund. Are you enrolled in DRIP by any chance? DRIP is an excellent way to snowball your dividend income.


    1. Hi Tawcan,

      Thank you for checking out my site. I plan on taking advantage of DRIP for my holdings. For now my holdings don’t generate enough to be reinvested into a whole new share. I will build up my core so it can start utilizing DRIP as soon as I can. Cheers


  3. Dividend Niche,

    Yay, your first dividend income! Exciting, isn’t it?

    The amount may be small at the moment, but you’ll be surprised to discover how fast the numbers climb into double and triple digits if you keep your efforts up.

    Looking forward to follow your dividend journey – best of luck!



    1. Hi NMW,

      Thank you for checking out my journey.

      This first dividend payment for the Niche Fund was very encouraging. Despite the modest amount, it will contribute to my overall objective. I look forward to seeing how quickly I can get to double digits on a regular basis. It may take awhile but every bit helps!

      I look forward to tracking your progress as well.



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