Dividend Income Update December 2017

Merry Christmas, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! Now time for my favourite post of the year, my December dividend income update. As you may be able to tell, I’m a little bit impressed with how things shaped up this month…

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The S&P500 reached new heights, again, to hit 2,694 mid December. All of the main indices ended on an upswing: S&P500 +2.20%, NASDAQ +1.50%, TSX +1.30%. Lots of red names in the utilities and technology sectors to wind up the year.


I was very pleased to see that my $24.99 total income for December 2017 crushed my 2015 annual total of $21.36. Even with relatively little fresh capital added to the portfolio this year, my yoy increase of 29% was well above what I was expecting. My 2017 annual total blew past $150 to hit $170.14! Not bad for a young portfolio. I can’t wait to keep growing this dividend income snowball in 2018!

December Dividends Received

ENB: $1.83
XOM: $4.94
ZCS: $0.23
ZFM: $0.16
EMR: $4.37
JNJ: $2.52
KO: $4.32
CNR: $2.06
CGX: $0.56
LMT: $4.00

Total: $24.99

Most of the holdings in my Niche Fund pay quarterly dividends so some months will have more income reflected than others. From now on, I’ll include dividends received from my ETF holdings in addition to my dividend stock holdings. This should provide a more interesting roundup each month, especially as the ETF holdings pay more consistently than some of my stocks.

My Dividend Income page has a calendar showing when I expect to receive dividends from each of my stock holdings.

The featured image for this post is the big Christmas tree at Lansdowne park in Ottawa.

I can’t wait to read about how other DGI bloggers wrapped up 2017. Looking forward to sharing more posts in 2018 including my most recent stock purchase post. If you have a DGI blog, I would be interested to hear from you so I can update my blogroll.


10 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update December 2017

  1. Congrats! Reasonable dividend increase. Even without capital infusion we should get dividend increase. We buy quality stocks with history of dividend increase. Looking forward to your updates in 2018.


  2. Well done. My December dividends also hit a new record, just crossing the $9,000.00 barrier. This is a game that gets more fun as time goes on.

    And I’m in my mid 40’s so look forward towards many future December’s with growing dividends. Other months are fun too!

    Take care,



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